Before we go any further, I want to introduce myself to you, because I know how important it is to be able to assess the reliability of any source of information. I want you to know my biases, and understand my experience, because I don’t want to mislead the people who come here, seeking, researching or just taking time out of their busy lives to visit. Your path is a personal thing. My path, likewise, has been a personal thing, and whilst I feel comfortable enough to share it with you, I want to differentiate between Absolute Truth and Personal Truth. I don’t want you to leave here with misconceptions or feeling deceived. I don’t want to deny you YOUR Truth by forcing my views on to you.

So, how will I go about that? I’m going to tell you about myself. Simple. That way, you can choose for yourself what you feel is biased, or credible, because let’s face it, you know what feels right and true to you. If you’re not interested in my personal history, that’s fine too; just skip this entry, and check out another, more informative section.

So, who am I?
I go by the name Siatris Hughes, I’m a gender non-confoming female and I could be described as a “Millenial” in terms of my age and generation. I’m a Brit, from the United Kingdom, but my familial background contains Scottish, German and French ancestry; I would suggest that there is minimal biased towards my ancestry, but I doubt I can ever judge it accurately.
I was raised in a Christian background, by over-protective parents, but never really identified with the faith or it’s teachings; by the time I started Highschool, I’d already pulled towards Wicca, in search of answers I couldn’t find in Christianity. But, the older I became, and the more I encountered various esoteric practices, the more ecclectic my path became, until eventually it could no longer be described as Wicca.

I have grown a lot in the years it has taken to reach adulthood, and my path has grown with me all the while; my deities have manifested throughout my life, but it dynamic and changing ways – always in the ways most applicable to the circumstance (just one of the things that confirms for me that they carry “aspect” forms).
After I began to study meditation and energy work, to manage my chronic depression and CFS, I began to be more aware of the world, and to have new sensory experiences that had never manifested before. Beyond being able to see occasional glimpses of spirits, ghosts and shadow folk, I began to see auras, veils and to hear spirit communications when entered in to trances; I could enter states of channeling and automatic writing. My deities revealed themselves to me, as I know them now. This was when my path took a sudden turn, and my faith started to become a major part of my life. This was also when Ayuyatte, my spirit companion, first appeared to me, and started to guide my life via synchronicities and astral lectures.

But my Praxis is not just formed by instinct and experience. Foremost, I have a skeptical mind, and so much of my faith is formed from scientific theory, philosophy, theology, psychology and study of Magickal Theory and Practice. It involves thought experiments and understanding of the physical and mental, as much as the Spiritual. It is about staring into the unpleasant and paradoxical, and confronting the Truths that make us uncomfortable; it’s challenging convention, and evaluating facts, because only then will we have real understanding. It is foremost about transformation, from ignorance to enlightenment, from mundane to divine. And it is about the individual, as a facet of the Metaverse and the Source, and our place in relation to the macrocosm.

This website was created to share my thoughts, my knowledge and my Personal Truths with any and all who may wish to know. I am not here as a prophet or divine messenger. I cannot draw back the Veil to reveal Absolute Truth. But I can guide you to where it lies.

But the rest is up to you

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