Journal Entry #2: Pendulums and Protection – 13/08/2018

Hello there, Reader; I hope this entry finds you well.

I have been busily working away on my arts of divination, especially working on the creation of new tarot spreads, and on the development of my Enochian rune system. But that is not all, for I have also finally been working on pendulum dowsing, which is something I have been waiting forever to try. Since all is going well, I’m hoping to add a section on the site for pendulum work, so I can share everything I have learned. Perhaps if things continue to do well, I will offer a few free pendulum sessions as part of my training regimen. In no time at all, I will be able to add that to my list of divination services, and may be able to offer it permanently.

I have also been aware of a situation menacing another Magick worker who exists on my periphery; after I heard about the situation, I’ve had it lurking in the back of my mind, and it is worrying me. Needless to say, it’s a situation that could be pretty dangerous, if not disruptive on an emotional level. This nagging feeling seems to be a kind of premonition, and so I have called upon the Protoarche and Asterei to watch over her, and I am now busy writing a working to perform in order to cast protection over her (I have her permission, of course). I will feel much better when it has been cast; it’s unusual for me to feel something this strongly when it doesn’t pertain to folks I don’t know well, but I will try not to empower monsters with my fear. This “pressure” allows me to take action, and this action will help keep her safe. There is nothing to fear.

Until next time, friends.

A Solider’s Prayer

O, Xephra, O Lord of Radiance,
We call upon your intervention;
Raise us up in your arms, and protect our people,
Lend us your courage and strength,
Watch over us in our hour of need,
Give us clear sight amongst the strife,
And grant safety to our soldiers.
O, Light of the Heavens,
Bring us light in this darkness,
And guide our hearts and hand,
Lead us to victory.
O Shining One,
We honour you in all things.

A Funery Prayer

Lord of Arulu, Protector of the dead,
We call upon you, we ask your aid,
Come guide the souls of those who have passed,
And raise them up in your arms.
Offer them peace and shelter in your sanctuary,
And protect them from the perils of the underworld.
Raise them up into the heavens,
Stand vigilant as their protector,
Watch over their departure,
And lead them to the heavens.
O, Exalted Lord Shueta,
We praise you.

The Devotees Prayer

Foremost of the First Cause, Beauty of the Most High,
Mother and creator, defender of justice.
All souls from are from thy breath born,
All life from thy spring is nourished,
All things are reflections of thy love and grace.
Lady of Fire, Queen of the heavens,
Mistress of Akasha, the Temple of the Divine,
We know ye in thy liminiality,
We feel thy presence in all things,
Surpassed by none, O Infinite Lady,
Ousamet, we honour thee.

Shadow of the First Cause, cloaked in the darkness,
Knowledge is thy gift to all mankind,
Ye reveal to us thy secrets in our dreams,
And grant us peace and asylum in death.
Lord of great and mighty ghosts,
Master of Arulu,
We know ye in thy hours of night,
We welcome ye in our hours of sleep.
Ever present, even by daybreak,
Shueta, we honour thee.

Light of the First Cause, bathed in brilliance,
Ye who is the force of war and peace,
Sacred keeper of the verdant lands,
And blessed Lord of the Sacred Veil.
Lord of life and Master of motion,
Shining Soul of Amenti,
We feel ye within each impulse
And ye manifest as our inspiration,
Forever timeless, keeper of the sanctuary,
Xephra, we honour thee.

The Threefold Blessing

May Ousamet bless you on your lonely road,

And grant you strength to bear your load;

May she bless your will, that it never tires,

May she watch over you and grant your desires.

May Xephra bless you and that for which strive,

May he keep you strong, and see you arrive;

May he bless your journey and illuminate,

May he see you accomplish much that’s great.

May Shueta bless you and your mind,

May he guide you with many a sign;

May he keep you focused on your task,

May he deter evil from your path.

Grounding Meditation: Dark and Light Spiral

This meditation technique is used to bring the user into greater balance, and strengthen connections with Amenti and Arulu. When used regularly, it brings the mind, body and spirit into harmony, creating a better connection between the three. It’s also great for use as a grounding ritual for use before or after a major working and happens to be a personal favorite of mine.

Step One:
Find a quiet place, free of distractions; close your eyes, or if you prefer, find a relatively nondescript backdrop to focus your eyes on to (the key is to find something that will not be distracting). Ensure that you are sitting or standing with your feet firmly on the floor. Then, steady your breathing; inhale deeply and hold the breath for a count of five, then exhale. After another count of five, inhale again, and hold. You may need to do this several times in order for it to come naturally. When you are relaxed, and the breathing feels natural, move on to the next stage.

Step Two:
Visualize a bright, golden light glowing above you, expanding until you can feel it’s presence. Watch it slowly condense into a stream of energy, forming the shape of a spiral.

Step Three:
Draw the spiral down into you body, through the top of your head, into your core, and let it tingle through you. Then, channel the remaining energy through your feet, into the floor.

Step Four:
Visualize a bright, silver light glowing beneath you, expanding until you can feel it’s presence. Watch it slowly condense into a stream of energy, forming a spiral.

Step Five:
Draw the spiral up into you body, through the bottom of your feet, into your core, and let it tingle through you. Then, channel the remaining energy through your head, into the sky.

Step Six:
Mingle the gold and silver light which remains inside your body, and watch it change to a bright, rainbow-hued white. Expand it until it encompasses your body, and radiates outward. Allow the light to fade, and when you are ready, open your eyes and return to normalized breathing.

On Malevolent Workings: Part 1

Time to talk about the darker side of Magick; Malevolent Workings, known as such because they are spells or ritual workings conducted to bring about malicious or unpleasant ends. They are most effective when charged with spite and ill-feelings, and may be lauded by certain people or communitues as a form of catharsis or release for those emotions; and while they may be an outlet, the implications of these workings are more complex than this, and should be taken into consideration.


While I am not an advocate of Malevolent Workings, I also acknowledge that there is a time and a place for such things, and using them or not is a personal choice, which is none of my business; I aim to inform people about the types of Malevolent Workings and their repercussions, so that they can make an informed decision or protect against these spells.

I see a lot of misleading information on malevolent workings, especially around the internet, despite an increasing number of curse advocates, and endless websites displaying curses rituals. But the information about curses themselves is extremely limited, including a lack of discussion on exactly what a curse entails. Frequently, the words Curse, Hex and Jinx are thrown around, yet their only difference is their duration and severity, as I will explain.


A Jinx is the one of the weakest categories of Malevolent Working, lasting for the shortest definite duration. The effects are not dangerous, but merely unpleasant to the tune of humiliation, emotional upset, or inconvenience. Often, the effects are similar to a mean-spirited practical joke, or a deliberate obstruction. They are fast-acting, fast-dissipating, and do not require an anti-jinx, or counter spell; due to the low levels of negative energy required to cast them, they can be performed quickly, and without many ingredients to boost their effects (they can be cast without a Taglock/Spell Anchor). As often they are cast with small ceremonies or intentions alone, they also have limited energy, which can be absorbed or dispelled by most simplistic wards, shields or talismans. As the spell is not cast in multiple stages, or with multiple repetitions, they produce one burst of negative energy; Jinxes radiate limited negative energies into the Caster’s space, which can be easily removed via ordinary cleansing methods.


Hexes are stronger than Jinxes, and somewhat longer, having a medium duration; they produce somewhat unpleasant effects, such as causing minor injuries, damage to property and even damage to reputation or credibility. The effects dissipate in time, however the duration is dependent on the amount of negative energy and effort put in; usually they are cast with a ritual or ceremony, and will often make use of a taglock or representation of the intended target.
To increase effect, week days, planetary transits, weather or other external conditions may be harnessed, although it is not required to do so. In addition, certain types of Hexes can be recharged after a period, without being recast, but require some components of the original spell to do so (for example, a poppet or taglock). The result is that whilst they may not be necessary in all cases, use of an anti-hex, counter-spell or banishing ritual can be very helpful in getting rid of them; methods such as energy shields, mid-level wards and talismans are also ways to protect against them in advance.
Most Hexes are not cast in stages, but their effects can be amplified by continual charging with energy or intent; a Caster should prepare and shield/ward their space when casting such a spell, and should perform a few repetitions of cleansing to ensure the negative energy does not cling to the space.


Curse is often used as a generic term for Malevolent Workings, however this is actually inaccurate; they are a specific type of working, and denote duration and severity, much like Jinxes and Hexes.
Curses are extremely powerful, long term workings, which depending on the spell can be potentially permanent without taking measures to reverse or break them. Once cast, they may have dangerous side-effects, such as serious injuries, health problems, loss of job or security, permanent damage to relationships or reputation; due to their severity, a Caster should always be able to reverse the spell and break the curse, in order to maintain control over the circumstances.
Curses cannot be performed by intentions alone, and require rituals or ceremonies that need to be performed in stages; they require advanced preparation, and may also take a specific duration to carry out. In order to be powerful enough to be classified as curses, they always use a mixture of ritual items, ingredients and taglocks, and may be further amplified by being cast under certain moonphases, planetary transits or other conditions.
Protecting against Curses can be difficult, because of the powerful intent required to cast them; strong energy shields, talismans, high-level wards, banishing and cleansing, and anti-curses or counter-spells or even ritual decoys are effective in riding of curses, however multiple repetitions may be required to fully clear the energy.
A Caster should always take precautions to avoid drawing the energy back to them, and should perform a ritual to put the feelings to rest; they should also perform ritual cleansing both of the area and the self. Multiple cleansings and banishings may be necessary to entirely clear the energy, and a Caster may wish to protect themselves prior to casting the ritual, especially in case the Curse is rebounded.


Maledictions are cast in day to day life, by almost everyone, regardless of their state as a Magickal Practioner. They are cast by things we often don’t feel in control of, such as directing negative thoughts and wishes against somebody, or speaking ill of them; even directing profanity against someone or something is an example.
These events are similar to jinxes, in that they are cast by burst of intention and energy, yet unlike Jinxes, Maledictions are often cast subconsciously, more from emotion than meaning. The outcome is sending negative emotions to latch onto the target, causing an oppressive atmosphere and negative patterns of thought and emotion in them. Additional complications include tiredness, apathy, difficulty sleeping, and increased stress, meaning that over time they can cause health issues.
Fortunately, this kind of working is a very mild assault, which are only effective when built up over time; energy shields, talismans, programming the aura to repel negativity, aura cleansing and mindfulness. Meditation and mindfulness activities are also very useful in controlling the impulses that drive Maledictions.

This covers the most basic and obvious forms of Malevolent Workings; these are the most commonly seen and used types, and are the most easily used.

Join me next time for a discussion on the more obscure categories of Malevolent Workings. See you soon, and stay safe out there.

Free Tarot Spreads

Going hand in hand with our Tarot Meanings Lessons, this section is dedicated to our Free Tarot Spreads, so you can always find the right spread to provide you with the necessary insight into the future.

If you like this, then why not sign up to our Members Area, for access extra Tarot Spreads and more?

Daily Contemplation:

A spread designed to provide insight into the day; best performed in the morning, or the day before, it helps to prepare a person for the coming challenges of the day.


The Celtic Cross:

A traditional and versatile spread, that is able to provide a detailed insight into present and future circumstances.


Cross and Triangle Spread:

A great, easy-to-use, traditional spread, which is perfect for outlining your current direction in life. Very versatile, and great for self-evaluation.


Path of Romance:

A spread designed to outline the needs and perspectives of both parties in a relationship, and aid in maintaining balance and harmony in a romance. Can also be used to mediate issues in any relationship, platonic, familial or romantic.


Mind – Body – Spirit Spread:

A simple, three card spread, which is great for beginners; perfect providing insight into your current mood, and what’s effecting it.


Three Card Oracle:

A very simple, traditional spread, and favourite of many Tarot aficionados. Can be used by almost anyone, and is a quick and multi-functional spread.ThreeCardOracle.png


Journal Entry #1: Who am I? – 28/06/2018

Before we go any further, I want to introduce myself to you, because I know how important it is to be able to assess the reliability of any source of information. I want you to know my biases, and understand my experience, because I don’t want to mislead the people who come here, seeking, researching or just taking time out of their busy lives to visit. Your path is a personal thing. My path, likewise, has been a personal thing, and whilst I feel comfortable enough to share it with you, I want to differentiate between Absolute Truth and Personal Truth. I don’t want you to leave here with misconceptions or feeling deceived. I don’t want to deny you YOUR Truth by forcing my views on to you.

So, how will I go about that? I’m going to tell you about myself. Simple. That way, you can choose for yourself what you feel is biased, or credible, because let’s face it, you know what feels right and true to you. If you’re not interested in my personal history, that’s fine too; just skip this entry, and check out another, more informative section.

So, who am I?
I go by the name Siatris Hughes, I’m a gender non-confoming female and I could be described as a “Millenial” in terms of my age and generation. I’m a Brit, from the United Kingdom, but my familial background contains Scottish, German and French ancestry; I would suggest that there is minimal biased towards my ancestry, but I doubt I can ever judge it accurately.
I was raised in a Christian background, by over-protective parents, but never really identified with the faith or it’s teachings; by the time I started Highschool, I’d already pulled towards Wicca, in search of answers I couldn’t find in Christianity. But, the older I became, and the more I encountered various esoteric practices, the more ecclectic my path became, until eventually it could no longer be described as Wicca.

I have grown a lot in the years it has taken to reach adulthood, and my path has grown with me all the while; my deities have manifested throughout my life, but it dynamic and changing ways – always in the ways most applicable to the circumstance (just one of the things that confirms for me that they carry “aspect” forms).
After I began to study meditation and energy work, to manage my chronic depression and CFS, I began to be more aware of the world, and to have new sensory experiences that had never manifested before. Beyond being able to see occasional glimpses of spirits, ghosts and shadow folk, I began to see auras, veils and to hear spirit communications when entered in to trances; I could enter states of channeling and automatic writing. My deities revealed themselves to me, as I know them now. This was when my path took a sudden turn, and my faith started to become a major part of my life. This was also when Ayuyatte, my spirit companion, first appeared to me, and started to guide my life via synchronicities and astral lectures.

But my Praxis is not just formed by instinct and experience. Foremost, I have a skeptical mind, and so much of my faith is formed from scientific theory, philosophy, theology, psychology and study of Magickal Theory and Practice. It involves thought experiments and understanding of the physical and mental, as much as the Spiritual. It is about staring into the unpleasant and paradoxical, and confronting the Truths that make us uncomfortable; it’s challenging convention, and evaluating facts, because only then will we have real understanding. It is foremost about transformation, from ignorance to enlightenment, from mundane to divine. And it is about the individual, as a facet of the Metaverse and the Source, and our place in relation to the macrocosm.

This website was created to share my thoughts, my knowledge and my Personal Truths with any and all who may wish to know. I am not here as a prophet or divine messenger. I cannot draw back the Veil to reveal Absolute Truth. But I can guide you to where it lies.

But the rest is up to you